Hey, thanks for stopping by.

In my early 20s, I faced severe health challenges that left me feeling desperate and in a deep state of depression. During this tough period, I discovered an elderly Chinese couple practicing traditional Chinese Medicine in Phoenix and was willing to try anything at this point in my life. My first treatment went on for four hours and it was the first time I experienced PROFOUND relief from severe body pain, brain fog, insomnia, and crippling fatigue. I have no idea what made me search for a Chinese doctor, but when we release our grip and let intuition take the wheel it can lead us to places much brighter than we ever could imagine for ourselves. So much inspiration can come from the “wins” of life, but without the struggle, I wouldn’t have the gift of empathy. I wouldn’t be able to sit in the pain with you. I understand firsthand how hopeless it feels to have your life ripped away from you and it’s my life’s purpose to support and lift you out of rock bottom.

The expensive papers: I graduated from the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with my Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I’m Certified in ABT Tuina and have 8 years of Health Coaching experience through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I am passionate about healing through food, and I’m currently working on a Chinese Food program to offer patients in the coming year.